Seat belts have saved thousands of lives by preventing life-threatening and fatal injuries in automobile accidents. However, the impact between the body and a seat belt in a crash can also be the cause of injuries. If you suffer a seat belt injury in a car accident, you may be eligible for compensation for your related medical bills from the at-fault party.
Soft-Tissue Injuries
“Seat belt syndrome” is the phrase used to describe any injuries caused by a seat belt when it restrains the body in a motor vehicle collision. This includes various soft-tissue injuries, such as bruising, contusions, muscle strains and sprains, and ligament tears. These injuries are especially common in places where the belt rests: the chest, shoulder, abdomen, hips and pelvis.
Chest and Sternum Injuries
A shoulder belt restraint can cause injuries to the upper body, especially to the chest, sternum and ribs. The force of the crash against the chest can cause bruising, sternum (breastbone) fractures, rib fractures and possible lung punctures due to a broken rib. Upper-body seat belt injuries can also affect the shoulder.
Abdominal Injuries
The lap belt of a restraint can cause abdominal injuries if it sits across the stomach in a car accident. This can include damage to internal organs such as the liver, spleen and kidneys. A seat belt impact can also perforate the intestines and cause internal bleeding. Internal damage can be difficult to detect after a car accident, as it may not cause immediate symptoms. It is critical to seek medical attention and diagnostic testing immediately to check for internal injuries.
Pelvic and Hip Injuries
The position of a lap belt across the hips can injure the hip bones and pelvis in a car accident, leading to bruising or fractures in severe cases. These injuries are more common in high-impact collisions, where the victim’s body is thrown forward at high velocity into the lap belt.
Neck Injuries
The whipping, backward-and-forward motion of the head and neck from flying forward and being restrained by a seat belt can cause soft-tissue injuries to the neck, commonly known as whiplash. Whiplash can affect the muscles, tendons and/or ligaments in the neck, causing pain and stiffness that lasts weeks or months.
Spinal Injuries
When the body is suddenly stopped during a collision by a seat belt, the neck and back can absorb significant stress. This can lead to strained or torn muscles and ligaments, lower back or lumbar spine injuries, herniated disks, cervical fractures and, in serious cases, nerve damage and permanent paralysis.
Heart Injuries
Although rare, seat belts can cause damage to the vascular system – especially if the shoulder belt is sitting too high on the body. In a high-impact crash, the force of the collision can put intense pressure on the chest from the seat belt. This can potentially cause trauma to the heart and surrounding blood vessels.
What to Do if You Suffered Seat Belt Injuries in a Car Accident in Albuquerque
If you are diagnosed with injuries from a seat belt, you can seek reimbursement for your medical bills, lost wages and other damages by filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s automobile insurance policy. However, you may need assistance from a car accident lawyer in Albuquerque to determine and prove fault.
At The Fine Law Firm, we have been representing clients in New Mexico since 1975 and have obtained billions of dollars in case results. We can negotiate the best possible outcome for your seat belt injury case through a settlement or judgment award. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.