The definition of negligent security is a property owner’s failure to provide adequate security measures according to the reasonable expectation of crime in the area. Preventing crimes such as assault, rape, and battery is part of a property owner’s duty of care under New Mexico’s premises liability laws. Failure to do so, resulting in an attack, is negligence.
If a negligent property owner contributed to your recent injuries, contact the New Mexico premise liability lawyers at the Fine Law Firm for assistance as a victim. We handle cases involving stab and gunshot wounds, physical assault, sexual abuse, property loss from robbery/burglary, and other crime-related personal injuries. We have experience with negligent security claims in Albuquerque.
Why Choose Us?
The Fine Law Firm has been helping personal injury victims in New Mexico since 1975. Clients trust us with their claims after security-related incidents for the following reasons:
- Affordable services. You don’t pay unless we win. If we win, our maximum fee is 33%. We’ll reduce our fee to ensure we don’t make more than you do for your case.
- Experience. Our premises liability attorneys have over 100 years of combined experience. We’ve been to trial and aren’t afraid of the courtroom.
- Attention to detail. Part of what makes us great attorneys is our compassion for clients. You’ll benefit from personal attention and open communication every step of the way.
With a 10 out of 10 Avvo Rating and recognition by several prominent law organizations, we have the reputation to support us as one of the top firms in the state.
Why Do You Need a Negligent Security Lawyer?
A negligent security case involves negotiating with insurance companies and proving the fault of the landowner or another party. In most cases, insurance companies will try to minimize their expenses by undervaluing claims, delaying payout, or denying legitimate claims – especially without a lawyer present. If you hire an Albuquerque negligent security lawyer, you’re sending the message that you won’t let the insurance company take advantage of you.
Damages Resulting From Negligent Security
Negligent security is a serious risk that puts property residents, guests, and visitors in danger. A hotel, casino, gas station, or another property without appropriate security measures could expose visitors to attacks and personal injuries. Common damages suffered from negligent security include violence-related injuries, hospital and emergency care bills, physical pain, emotional trauma, and property damage/losses. You may be eligible to recover these damages through a premises liability claim.
Who Is Liable?
It is a property owner’s legal duty to discover the foreseeability of crime on the premises and take reasonable steps toward prevention. What is “reasonable” for a property owner to do depends on the situation. The courts will ask what another property owner would have done to prevent the crime in a similar situation. If they find that the owner in your case failed to fulfill the accepted standards of security for the circumstances, he or she will be liable for your damages. A criminal could also share liability for causing your injuries.
Proving Negligence
To receive compensation for your damages after a criminal attack, you will need to prove the defendant’s negligence. This takes demonstrating to a judge or jury that the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached this duty, and caused or contributed to your injuries. You’ll need to show that the property owner reasonably should have foreseen the risk of the crime occurring, yet failed to take steps to prevent it. You’ll also need to show you were on the property legally at the time of the incident.
Contact Us Today
Negotiating a negligent security claim in New Mexico can be difficult without help from an attorney. Our negligent security lawyers can allow you to focus on healing from your physical and emotional injuries while we work on your case. Let us fight for fair compensation on your behalf. Start your case with a free consultation. Contact us online or call (505) -889-FINE today.