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Preventing Bicycle Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted in Bike & Pedestrian Accidents

It is hard to find good that comes out of New Mexico drunk driving accidents. Similarly, there is little positive that can emerge from a New Mexico traumatic brain injury. However, a Carlsbad New Mexico man, George Methola, is doing just that. According to a recent newspaper article, Methola, after suffering his own traumatic brain injury has found an impressive way to turn his misfortune into a positive impact.

Working with the Brain Injury Association of New Mexico, and the Carlsbad Brain Injury Support Group, he is working to minimize traumatic brain injury for New Mexico bicyclists by raising money to supply helmets.

Although one of New Mexico’s main recreational activities, bicycling can also result in serious and catastrophic injuries when things go wrong. Despite the Child Helmet Safety Act, many young New Mexico bicyclists do not wear helmets and are thus exposed to a substantial risk of injury. Methola is doing his part, learning from a traumatic brain injury, and working to increase the number of New Mexico bicyclists using helmets.

