Sadly the number of fatalities is increasing in a Roswell motorcycle accident. The accident initially resulted in two wrongful deaths, however, New Mexico media is reporting that a third accident victim recently lost his life. This particular Roswell motorcycle accident, involving three separate motorcycles has to be one of the worst New Mexico motorcycle accidents in recent history.
While early reports suggest that speed and alcohol may have played a role in the crash, this particular motorcycle accident brings up a question that our motorcycle accident lawyers hear regularly. Accident victims often want to know if anything can be done if a Albuquerque wrongful death or injury is caused by a friend or family. Typically, people are hesitant to pursue legal action in these situations for fear that they will be hurting another member of the family. However, the truth is that not pursing such cases rarely results in any benefit.
While our New Mexico accident lawyers are the first to admit that no case is worth breaking apart healthy family bonds, we also remind our accident and injury clients that not all cases require a formal lawsuit to resolve. Typically, if the family member or friend has insurance, a case can be settled without the need to even file a lawsuit. Another way of looking at is is, if the insurance premiums have all been paid, the insurance company essentially has a pile of money somewhere to cover the accident victim’s injury or death. The choice is whether to give that money back to the insurance company or use it to compensate the New Mexico accident victims and their families.
All cases that the New Mexico accident attorneys at the Fine Law Firm handle are controlled by the client. That means that if a client says they want to settle a case without litigation, then they are in control.