Workplace Accidents in Santa Fe, New Mexico
If you or someone you love sustained a workplace injury in Santa Fe, contact the workplace accident attorneys at The Fine Law Firm. We offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision in moving forward with your work injury claim.
The Fine Law Firm Is A local, Established Firm And Has:
- A strong record of obtaining results for our clients
- An accessible team of attorneys who return calls and emails promptly
- A firmly grounded knowledge of New Mexico workers’ compensation law and third-party workplace injury law
We know that every individual and every claim is different. We offer personalized legal strategies to fit your goals. Call The Fine Law Firm today to discuss your workplace accident claim.
How Can a Santa Fe Workplace Accident Attorney Help Me?
It is not always clear how to move forward with a workplace accident claim, especially when you may have more than one party responsible for your injuries. At The Fine Law Firm, our skilled workplace accident attorneys will help you through the workers’ compensation process as well as determine if you have a third-party personal injury claim available to you.
Many injured workers do not receive the full benefits entitled to them by workers’ compensation. While other workers feel pressured to return to work early or not to file a claim at all. At The Fine Law Firm, our workplace accident attorneys will:
- Fight for all of your workers’ compensation benefits
- Help you appeal any workers’ compensation denials
- Protect you from adverse actions from your employer
The Fine Law Firm will never charge you any upfront fees, and we do not get paid unless we recover compensation for you. Call us today to learn more about your legal rights and compensation available in your claim.
Workplace Accident Injuries
There are several types of workplace accident injuries. These injuries vary according to a worker’s specific job and sector of employment, with industrial and construction positions being among the most dangerous.
The most common workplace injuries result from the following:
- Slip and falls
- Back or neck strains
- Repetitive use injuries
- Injuries from falling objects
- Cuts and lacerations
- Collisions and crashes in vehicles, forklifts, or tractor-trailers
- Fumes or chemical inhalation
- Workplace fights
- Exposure to loud noises
- Walking into an object
Workplace Accident Compensation in New Mexico
Workers’ compensation insurance covers the cost of work-related injuries such as:
- Emergency room care
- Surgery
- Doctor visits
- Rehabilitation expenses, physical therapy, and rehabilitation experts
- Retraining benefits or vocational programs
- Disability payments, short-term and permanent disability benefits to replace a portion of an injured worker’s weekly wage
- Beneficiary expenses in cases of worker death like funeral expenses and payments to minor dependents who depended on the worker’s income
In cases involving a third party, workers’ compensation is not the only source of obtaining financial support. An injured worker may file a personal injury lawsuit against a third party for negligence. Third-party workplace accidents may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Defective products
- Malfunctioning machinery
- Motor vehicle accidents
Third-party claims allow types and amounts of compensation that are not offered by workers’ compensation, including pain and suffering and emotional trauma. A third-party claim can also bridge any gaps in compensation to cover costs and losses an injured worker experiences.
Our Skilled Legal Team Is Here To Help
For a further explanation of workers’ compensation, third-party lawsuits, and recovery for your injuries, call one of the experienced workplace accident attorneys at The Fine Law Firm. Allowing us to focus on your workplace accident claim will free you to focus on your health and family. Call The Fine Law Firm today.